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Candidate Information 

Welcome to Creative Calgary’s candidate information for the Calgary 2021 General Election. Creative Calgary’s goal is to educate voters on the extent to which candidates in the municipal election share its view that fostering support and strong investment in the arts sector is critical in building a vibrant and prosperous city. 


We thank you for taking the time to visit our site and encourage you to do your own research on each candidate to ensure that on October 18, you cast your vote for the candidate that best aligns with your own values and priorities. A full list of candidates can be found here, and we have linked to candidates' public websites below, where applicable.


To read about Creative Calgary's process in researching each candidate, click here.


Ward 7


Greg Amoruso
Running for: Ward 7 City Councillor

Position on public investment in the arts: Greg Amoruso has not responded to Creative Calgary's request for information.

Personal arts statement: Greg Amoruso has not responded to Creative Calgary's request for information.

Inclusion of the arts in platform: Greg Amoruso's platform does not include a positive position on the arts.

Campaign website:


Daria Bogdanov

Running for: Ward 7 City Councillor

Position on public investment in the arts: Daria Bogdanov has not responded to Creative Calgary's request for information.

Personal arts statement: Daria Bogdanov has not responded to Creative Calgary's request for information.

Inclusion of the arts in platform: Daria Bogdanov's has not made a platform publicly available.

Campaign website: Daria Bogdanov does not have a public campaign website at this time.


Matt Lalonde

Running for: Ward 7 City Councillor

Position on public investment in the arts: Matt Lalonde selected, "I believe Calgary currently has many important civic priorities, including the arts. Current municipal investment in the arts is sufficient and should be maintained at its current level."

Personal arts statement: "Arts and Culture are tremendously important to our City, its social health, and its growth. I support the increase of funding to $15.5M in 2022. Arts are a need-to-have, not just a nice-to-have, and the City must pursue a strong positive relationship with the community, especially our burgeoning film industry."

Inclusion of the arts in platform: Matt Lalonde's platform does not include a positive position on the arts.

Campaign website:


Heather McRae

Running for: Ward 7 City Councillor

Position on public investment in the arts: Heather McRae selected, "I believe a thriving, prosperous city must have a vibrant arts scene in order to succeed. The municipal government should prioritize finding strategic ways to increase investment in the arts sector."
Personal arts statement: "A robust, diverse arts scene is essential to ensuring our community remains healthy, thriving and strong, and essential to attracting young people and families to our city."

Inclusion of the arts in platform: Heather McRae's platform does not include a positive position on the arts.

Campaign website:


Marilyn North Peigan

Running for: Ward 7 City Councillor

Position on public investment in the arts: Marilyn North Peigan selected, "I believe a thriving, prosperous city must have a vibrant arts scene in order to succeed. The municipal government should prioritize finding strategic ways to increase investment in the arts sector."
Personal arts statement: "Calgary is a world class city and it deserves a world class arts community, including infrastructure and stable income for the large amount of Calgary citizens employed within the arts. As a person who once solely relied on the income from the arts, I recognize the importance of arts inclusion within the recovery of Calgary. Also about stabilizing the industry for generations to come."

Inclusion of the arts in platform: Marilyn North Peigan's platform includes a positive position on the arts.

Campaign website:


Benjamin Shepherd

Running for: Ward 7 City Councillor

Position on public investment in the arts: Benjamin Shepherd selected, "I believe a thriving, prosperous city must have a vibrant arts scene in order to succeed. The municipal government should prioritize finding strategic ways to increase investment in the arts sector."
Personal arts statement: "Creativity begets Arts, Arts beget Culture, Culture brings civility and good society; allowing our heritage of creative talent, to grow and add new disciplines, with Grace, will bring Calgary to new heights as a City of Culture and Richness in Spirit. Something to be proud of."

Inclusion of the arts in platform: Benjamin Shepherd's platform does not include a positive position on the arts.

Campaign website:


Erin Waite

Running for: Ward 7 City Councillor

Position on public investment in the arts: Erin Waite selected, "I believe a thriving, prosperous city must have a vibrant arts scene in order to succeed. The municipal government should prioritize finding strategic ways to increase investment in the arts sector."
Personal arts statement: "Calgary's arts are our lifeblood. If that sounds vague or intangible, know that it is the arts that are key -- a tangible key -- to our economic future. Great cities have thriving, wide-ranging, and accessible arts. Now that we're a live-anywhere economy, people will choose Calgary as their home because of our arts and culture, in addition to affordability and liveable communities."

Inclusion of the arts in platform: Erin Waite's platform includes a positive position on the arts.

Campaign website:


Derek Williams

Running for: Ward 7 City Councillor

Position on public investment in the arts: Derek Williams selected "I believe a thriving, prosperous city must have a vibrant arts scene in order to succeed. The municipal government should prioritize finding strategic ways to increase investment in the arts sector."
Personal arts statement: "Its my belief that a thriving arts community is a key piece to our future. If we hope to retain young talent and attract the next generation of those who will call Calgary home, the arts will be important factor in that decision to plant roots here."

Inclusion of the arts in platform: Derek Williams's platform includes a positive position on the arts.

Campaign website:


Terry Wong

Running for: Ward 7 City Councillor

Position on public investment in the arts: Terry Wong selected, "I believe a thriving, prosperous city must have a vibrant arts scene in order to succeed. The municipal government should prioritize finding strategic ways to increase investment in the arts sector."
Personal arts statement: "Calgary's public art scene has been dotted with controversy by the public with issues of type of art, funding amount, location of artist, etc. I believe a vibrant Calgary is a beautiful that is rich with art in places where that can be appreciated. I will advocate for continuance of the 2022 funding commitment and discuss ways to support art funding in the 2023-2026 budget cycle."

Inclusion of the arts in platform: Terry Wong's platform does not include a positive position on the arts.

Campaign website:

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